Posted by Jim Petrucci on Feb 04, 2019 00:00:00 PM
Whether your power plant is coal-fired, gas-fired,
hydroelectric or nuclear, petroleum-based products like fuel, hydraulic fluid and lubricating greases and
oils are critical to operational success.
Supporting numerous lubricant connections, bearings, hydraulic seals and moving equipment parts, such as pumps, conveyors, feeders, scrubbers, cranes, turbines and more—it’s inevitable that these petroleum-based products will find their way into the process, cooling, or cleaning water that flows throughout a plant—posing operational challenges.
Typically, this oily or greasy water flows to one...
Topics: oil removal oil skimmer power plant skim oil waste oil
Posted by Ken Gray on Nov 12, 2015 01:38:00 PM
Chemical plants that manufacture or otherwise process chemicals (on a
large-scale) face unique challenges when it comes to wastewater management. While the equipment, technology
and processes used at chemical plants varies, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water Act requires plants
to meet certain performance standards aimed at water pollution prevention and treatment.
Under the Act, the EPA has implemented pollution control programs such as establishing wastewater standards that require wastewater to be virtually free of oil and other contaminants. Chemical plants that don’t...
Topics: chemical plant model 6v oil removal waste oil